School Term Dates 2018 – Use our term date guide when planning your next family holiday!

And just like that, the new year has began!!!

From us at Amanda Owen Online Tuition, we would like to wish all of our students, parents and blog followers everything of the best for 2018!

The New Year Ahead

With a new year comes new goals, dreams and dare I say New Years Resolutions? Whether you are planning to start a new hobby this  year, to start your tertiary education or saving to take the family on the holiday of a lifetime, it is important plan well, ahead of time! Planning is particularly important for parents with school-going children, as holidays, excursions, etc need to be booked and planned around the South African school holidays and public holidays.

School Term Dates 2018

For your convenience, this year we have decided to add this information to our website! On our website you will find the school term dates for schools in all provinces of South Africa, for 2018. This includes the term dates for both public schools as well as independent schools that follow the 4-term cycle. To access this page and view the school term dates for 2018, please click here: School Term Dates 2018.

Public Holidays This Year

For your convenience, we have also added a page with all the South African public holidays for 2018! We recommend that you make use of both pages when planning your next local or international family holiday! To access this page and view the list of public holidays in South Africa for 2018, please click here: 2018 Public Holidays.


Last Day of Term 1 – 2018

The last day of term 1 2018 will be on the 28th of March 2018, both for public schools as well as independent schools following the 4-term cycle. During the first academic term, South Africans will only be celebrating one public holiday, on the 21st of March 2018 – Human Right’s Day.


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Visit our website for more information about online education in South Africa in 2018.

STEAM Learning Kits

These days, STEM learning is taking the world by storm! For those of you who haven’t heard of this before, STEM stands for SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING and MATHEMATICS. More recently STEM learning has developed into STEAM learning with the addition of ART.

STEAM learning is modern, practical way of teaching children and teenagers important skills through real-life projects rather than through textbook learning alone. In schools and learning centers, learners are encouraged to follow a guided “problem-solving” cycle in order to reach the outcome that they are looking for. This not only teaches them practical skills in each of the above-mentioned learning areas, but it also encourages learners to think critically and test out new ideas.

From September 2017 onwards, Amanda Owen Online Education will be posting links to great STEAM learning kits that we recommend for learners of different ages. Visit our website regularly and click on the STEAM Learning Kits tab for updates on awesome educational gift ideas for your kids!  Continue reading STEAM Learning Kits

Grade 11 Gases: What to Remember for Tests and Exams!

During the last few weeks we have been covering the section on Gases during our Grade 11 online lessons. This section often sends shivers down the spines of many Grade 11 students all around South Africa! We are here to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the case with you!

Here are a few hints and tips to keep in mind when studying the section on gases for your next Grade 11 Chemistry test or exam: Continue reading Grade 11 Gases: What to Remember for Tests and Exams!

Grade 12 Electrochemistry

Term 3 has started off with a bang! If you didn’t achieve the marks that you hoped for last term, now is time to work hard and improve on those results!

The Grade 12 prelim exams are just around the corner and we have started our online tuition program off with some chemistry!


This week we revised Redox reactions, before moving on to the similarities and differences between Galvanic and Electrolytic cells. Continue reading Grade 12 Electrochemistry

Extra Science Lessons 2017-Join Now!

Would you like to improve on your Science marks this year? Then don’t wait time and contact us today!  We offer high-quality Extra Physical Science Tuition online, to students anywhere in South Africa!

Why use us: Our lessons are developed and run by a qualified Science teacher, with experience as a Science Head of Department, at High School level. We therefore offer a lot of experience regarding the South African curriculum as well as the exact steps and methods that are required by the Education Department in the Grade 12 Final Exams.

We have experience preparing learners for both the IEB as well as the NSC exams and are therefore able to assist students both in Private or Government Schools in SA.

Our teacher has written a CAPS compliant Textbook and therefore has researched the CAPS curriculum well. She also develops new content and questions regularly, in order to teach new concepts in different ways.

In our lessons, our teacher will work with Grade 10, 11, or 12 students online, in real-time. This means that lessons are not pre-recorded and learners have the chance to interact and ask questions as the lesson progresses, whilst still having the convenience of being able to work at home in front of their computer or mobile device.

Online learning is the way of the future and our methods have been adapted so that all students are reached. More content is also covered in a one-hour online lesson compared to traditional face-to-face learning! Online learning is also FUN as it makes use of different colours, images, etc as opposed to a grey pencil and blank piece of paper.

Each lesson is prepared for individually, therefore students are able to let us know if there are specific questions or sections that they would like to focus on before their next online lesson. Lessons are presented in such a way as to cover both theory as well as interpretive questions. By mastering both the understanding behind concepts as well as interpreting exam-type questions, students will be well-prepared for their High School Physical Science tests and exams!

We also offer students online coaching sessions to teach them how to perfect their study methods. Study methods used for Physical Science are different to those used for other subjects, as the subject contains both theory as well as many calculations and scientific interpretation. Perfecting study methods is crucial, if learners want to improve their marks.

There are many advantages to joining our online Extra Science learning program. Students are able to access assistance at times that they would traditionally not be able to (eg the evening before an exam). There is also no need for students to travel to their tutor (great for learners living in school hostels without access to transport). Furthermore, online sessions are more intensive than traditional face-to-face learning, and a larger quantity of work can be covered in an online session. As with face-to-face learning, students’ progress during online sessions is also assessed and the learning adapted as necessary.

Since there are currently no other Science teachers in SA running an online extra tuition program in the way that we run ours, we have limited spaces available and places should be booked as soon as possible.

In order to join our online learning program, all a student needs is access to a computer with a good internet connection, and a Skype account (free to download)!

To find out more, visit our website today:


The Dangers of Partying too Hard in High School and Varsity!

The transition from child to youth is often a challenging one, especially in one’s high school years. Experiencing new things with new friends is an endless thrill. This new found freedom brings responsibility with it. The dangers of partying too hard is a harsh reality, and safety should always be a priority.

High School Sheep

As young adults rebelling comes naturally , it’s almost like second nature. Continue reading The Dangers of Partying too Hard in High School and Varsity!

A Very Famous Breakfast

A countless number of studies have proven that consuming a healthy breakfast daily enhances concentration levels and boosts metabolism.  A healthy breakfast does not consist of a basket of slap chips immersed in ketchup or a bag of Lays, but rather a fruit feast of strawberries, blueberries, bananas and a glass of freshly squeezed apple or orange juice.  Sounds good? It’s about to get even better. The benefits of consuming fruit in the morning are endless. A breakfast of drizzled lemon juice on watermelon enables detoxification of the body by stimulating the digestive tract. Rather avoid consuming fatty animal products that are no friend to the digestive tract and stick to the all-fruit-breakfast diet that ensures a clear frame of mind as well as a healthy gut.

Fruit Salad Breakfast

Influential People’s Breakfasts

Some very influential scientists, artists and novelists who chiselled their mark upon history as Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the moon, relied on a hearty breakfast of peculiar taste. Continue reading A Very Famous Breakfast

Domestic Caregivers Meet Modern Day Science

Female empowerment should be encouraged in the field of science. Donna Reed and June Cleaver captured the American television audience with their mother goose appeal, also known as the quintessential caregivers:  baking cookies, cleaning house and taking care of children in America during the 1950s. Drummond’s advertisement in the 1950’s “men are better than women”, says it all: women are inferior to men. Today, the advertisements during the 1950s are hilarious due to obsolete content, yet gender inequality remains rife.

Women in Science

Gender gaps favouring males are highly prevalent in developing countries today. It is estimated that a mere 30% of women play lead scientific roles in Africa. Continue reading Domestic Caregivers Meet Modern Day Science

How to Prepare for Grade 12 Final Exams

Grade 12 Final Exams


It is very stressful preparing for the Grade 12 Final exams which are just around the corner but there’s still time so, make the best of it. Twelve years of school and it all boils down to how well you prepare and perform in your examinations. Your peers may have already started studying while others haven’t opened their books yet. Whichever category you fit in, below are some tips to help you prepare for your Grade 12 Final exams.

Don’t panic

Stress levels are higher during exam periods. Instead of stressing yourself out about achieving your goals, focus your energy on revising concepts that you are familiar with for each subject. This reduces the amount of time needed to revise at the end especially when you’re tired and unable to absorb information effectively. The aim is to fine-tune your knowledge and know your work one hundred per cent before moving on. This will decrease the chance of being unsure of your answers in the exam. Continue reading How to Prepare for Grade 12 Final Exams

Swimming with Western Province Aquatics

If you were born in Cape Town near the ocean, chances are that you learned to swim very early. Swimming in the ocean is great, but if you want to choose it as a sport, you will have to put in some effort.

If you like water, you can join one of the swimming clubs. Most probably you will start with stroke correction classes. You will learn how to  swim all four competitive strokes: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. At this stage you will have to train twice or three times a week for around 45 min.

swimming in western cape

When you are ready to swim competitively, you have to pass the assessment test of Western Province Aquatics association. Continue reading Swimming with Western Province Aquatics